Intuition as a Practice

“Praying is talking to God, intuition is listening to God.” The Writings of Florence Scovell Shinn

Intuition is a form of listening that requires not only being mindful, but it also requires that you listen is a way that is relaxed, trusting, and open. This is a developmental process of being in the "here and now".  We can begin by teaching ourselves to be quiet, to let go of what we think is the answer, to admit that we may not know, and wait for that moment where an unfiltered thought enters into our conscious and we know it is truth from the physiological response that it elicits. There is a feeling of rightness, an "Aha" and sometimes the thought "what, really?" will come into our consciousness. What we have to do in that moment is not doubt that the information or the answer to our question is correct. It’s beyond thinking, beyond our conditioning and beyond any type of knowledge that we have memorized or experienced. When we engage in the intuitive process we are connecting to God and giving ourselves over to the wisdom that comes from that. 

For example, when someone comes to see me for a session I realize when they arrive that there is going to be a combination of knowledge that is conveyed from my thirty plus years of study in nutrition, and spirituality, and it’s application, but I basically don’t know what will be revealed that day from that well of knowledge or more importantly how it will be conveyed, and what other surprises will cork up in the process for that person. It could be something I have never said to anyone ever before, but it will be perfect for that moment to carry them to the next right step or understanding that they seek. I call this leaving room for God, a space that is reserved solely for those answers. I let that guide me in what is to be addressed in that session that is in alignment with their best and highest good and which they are ready to receive. This is the intuitive in action.